How Applying the Cardinal Directions Benefits a Healthy Life

The cardinal directions, North, East, South, and West, represent more than navigational tools. Each direction has a deep meaning that is tied to one of the four elements of life. Getting to know the meaning of each direction and how you can use it in your life is a great way to practice being mindful and enhance your intuition to set yourself up to live your greatest and most life.

In psychology today, intuition plays a major role in how you can navigate through life effortlessly, in resonance with the divine direction that holds universal intelligence. Tapping into your intuition is a practical tool that has helped many people transform their lives in major ways. Knowing about biocentrism and its forces is key in using the laws of the universe to your advantage. Be certain that the universe is full of laws and scientific studies to help us have the best human experience if we choose to explore them. Read an earlier entry on biocentrism here.

There is a diverse culmination of cultures that have used the Cardinal Directions, each with their own unique perspectives. The Native Americans, Wiccan, and Pagan cultures all used the four directions to make sense of their worlds. There isn't a right or wrong way to use these tools, it is a matter of using them to raise your innate wisdom and consciousness.

At any point, you hold the key to how you navigate this life. No matter which tools you use, your inner guidance - call it instinct, wisdom, consciousness, gut feeling - is the main component to finding what works for you.


Overview of the Four Cardinal Directions

Each ancient civilization that has used the powers of the four Cardinal Directions considered them sacred and extremely practical. Each Cardinal Direction holds its own vibration that you can tune into to depending on which position or crossroad in life you find yourself in.

A simple way to feel the directions is as you would when using a compass, on a wheel. Native Americans call this “The Medicine Wheel” with each direction characterized by its unique color, attributes, plants, animals, and seasons. The medicine wheel, or symbolic equivalent, can be used as a guide to optimize stress reduction, health, and happiness.

Next, you'll find a glance of each direction and its symbolism. You'll find out what elements are tied to each direction and how to use them in a practical manner in your life.

Cardinal Direction of North "Introspection"

Season: Winter

Animal: Buffalo or Moose

Element: Earth / Elder Energy / Place of Wisdom and Gratitude

Color: White

Crystals: Malachite and Moonstone


Similar to the North Star, the North symbolized as a Cardinal Direction represents a guiding light. This vibration is full of understanding, knowledge, absolute discoveries, innate intelligence, and divine wisdom.

The element that represents the North is Earth as it is brought forth in vibrational medicine, the health study that affects the human energy field. It includes homeopathy and sound therapy amongst other modalities. It is grounded, visceral, prosperous, and full of life. Herbs, flowers, salts, stones, and wood may be utilized to purify and align yourself with the direction of the North.

North also symbolizes winter and the midnight hour. It is a very special time in the circle of days where the veils of the hidden and dark come to light.

The North is filled with earthy colors such as green, brown, and black as well as white. Along with Cardinal Directional energies, the Zodiac signs converge with an influence over Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo. It is a Cardinal Direction that fills you up with prosperity, spiritual growth, expanding consciousness, and grounding. It is based on the principles of biocentrism, the study which provides us with great insight into how natural forces, our consciousness, and the universe work in unison to create our life experiences and the evolution of life itself.


Divination and The Direction of North

As a holding point for divination methods and systems, North in its winter glory holds tight. Everything comes to a stand-still on its outer layer, but if you dive a little deeper, you'll find a significant amount of transformation taking place.

It is a time to redefine your perspective. The North provides an opportunity for you to reflect on your life and design a new version of yourself. Your vibration is filled with a quiet intention that is busy working on your next transformation.

As you contemplate or meditate on that, consider utilizing the soothing sounds of singing bowls or gongs to help you go deeper into yourself where you can clearly see a new vision of yourself.

Sound healing, along with contemporary sound bath meditations, is a powerful tool used since ancient times. Utilizing your auditory senses helps to put you in the receiving mode, beyond your logical thinking mind, where you'll allow divinity to set or support your trajectory.

This "holding space" is when you'll be able to come back to union with yourself and connect with your inner being. It is the time you have the opportunity to renew yourself and craft the new seeds that will bloom into your future of health and happiness.

Cardinal Direction of East "Beginnings"

Season: Spring

Animal: Eagle

Element: Air / Male Energy / Place of Illumination

Color: Yellow

Crystals: Celestite and Citrine

The Cardinal Direction of East represents the rising sun and its new beginnings. It is the rebirth and ascension of a new vision, an awareness of greater possibilities, a practice of mindfulness. It is life at its finest hour, and here as well, using the principles of biocentrism, at the leading edge of creation to bring you new possibilities and dreams.

Air is the element that is associated with the East. It takes over our minds, filling us with insight and deep learning. The East is represented with items such as feathers, bird images, and incense.

Spring is the season for the East, the time where the earth comes to life after a deep winter sleep. It is a time for warmth, beauty, healthy living, stress reduction, blooming, and holistic healing. The Cardinal Direction of the East energizes and brings creativity and vibrant feelings. 

The vibration of the East incites imagination, intuition, and psychic powers. It is utilized to connect to the divine and thrive in self-evolution. Meditating on the Eastern energy lightens up and refreshes the spirit. In psychology, the ancient practice of meditation is a tool to help people get to know themselves on a deeper level and discover their path. More on that can be found in a previous entry here

The East is filled with whimsical creatures such as sylphs and fairies. The colors that represent the East are yellows like the rising sun. Zodiac signs that resonate with the Eastern Cardinal Direction are Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra.


Divination and The Direction of East

When the Cardinal Direction of East is used in divination methods, it creates a focal point for new beginnings and a bright future. This is where you can hold the awareness of images and dreams that motivate you as you become the best version of yourself. And here too, gongs and singing bowls as they are being used for sound healing, are applied to help you create an audial focus where you can tune in to the energies of the universe and experience the present moment with clarity; vibrational medicine at its finest.

The East is a perfect place to nurture your wishes and desires. It is where you can power manifestation in the present moment. This vibration fills you with the magical power of source vibration that knows exactly where you're headed and it gives you clues on which steps to take to make your journey as fruitful as possible.

Cardinal Direction of South "Passion"

Season: Summer

Animal: Wolf, Coyote, Porcupine or Mouse

Element: Fire / Child Energy / Place of Innocence, Faith, Trust, and Humility

Color: Red

Crystals: Carnelian and Red Coral 


The Southern energy brings creation to this world. It is full of illumination and the energy of the heart. The element that represents it is fire like the sun burning high in the sky. It is full of drive and power to produce the spark of life.

The summer season is when the South comes to life, with the energy of greens and yellows that represent the full swing of life. In the Zodiac Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius fall into the vibration of the South.

When it comes to the human experience, the South is a symbol of our inner child, full of curiosity and eagerness for life. Our senses lead the way and we engage dynamically in all of our visceral pleasures.

The South nurtures confidence, spontaneity, and our physical strengths. As the tones of the summertime, the South is filled with red, yellow, orange, and gold colors. Creatures that represent this vibrant Cardinal Direction are the infinite Phoenix, the Grand Red Dragon, Salamanders, and Djinn.

In nature, aside from the ones mentioned above, animals such as lizards and the golden lion represent the South. The South, the summertime, is a perfect time for ending negativity in your life, for cleansing, for protecting yourself, and rising victoriously.

This process can be amplified by natures’ innate sounds as well as sounds of the didgeridoo, flute, drum and other sound tools. Along with gongs and singing bowls they provide the cleansing effect of sound healing that neutralizes the negative energies you've been carrying around and fills you up with health and vitality while giving you some much-needed stress reduction through vibrational medicine.

It is also a Cardinal Direction that will bring you courage, vitality, enthusiasm, and faithfulness. In psychology, they teach the importance of believing in yourself and your abilities. Coupled with mindfulness practices, they help bringing a clear vision of where you want to go and having the courage to follow through to change your life. The South is the perfect holistic vibration when you're ready to take a hopeful leap of faith into a consistent way of healthy living!


Divination and The Direction of South

The South promotes actions, it is used as a holding point in methods of divination. These actions may be the ones you've chosen or are about to choose.

When dealing with past experiences, the South is a reminder that it may not be a good idea to burn bridges but to learn from the experiences. It furthermore provides a good reminder for strengthening your relationship and communication skills.

In the present moment, tuning into the vibration of the South will help you enter deep meditation, which will allow you to enhance your intuition. You'll more easily feel inspired to see opportunities and take action on things that will bring you the most benefit. And as we had said before, you intuitively know what choices are best to create the best life for yourself.

It is not a time for rushed actions, instead, it is a time for awareness that actions have to follow soon and you have to tap into your intuition and wisdom to see the direction of course of where to apply them.

Cardinal Direction of West "Harvest"

Season: Fall

Animal: Bear

Element: Water / Female Energy / Place of Introspection

Color: Black

Crystals: Labradorite and Lapis Lazuli 

fall harvest

In many cultures, the West is a direction that represents divine transformation. In Judaism, it guides you into closeness with God. In Buddhism, it is the direction of enlightenment. Native Americans such as the Aztecs, ancient Egyptians saw the West as the doorway in vibrational medicine to the next world.

In the Celtic culture, the West took you to the edge of the sea where you would encounter the nether world. All of these cultures have seen the West as the emotional power of life, pure love, the height of healthy living, the highest vibration.

Water is the element that is tied to the Cardinal Direction of West. The fall season represents the West as the earth prepares to transform into winter and enter a long slumber.

The vibration of the West is a perfect time for you to let go of anything that doesn't serve you anymore. Any traumas, pains, or negative patterns that bring you down. Old habits that come back to haunt you and anything that just simply doesn't feel good and brings down your consciousness.

Symbols such as a blue table cloth or seashells represent the West. The vibration connected to the West is one that promotes your intuition and your ability to connect with eternal love and your fertility. Zodiac signs that are influenced by the West are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.


Divination and The Direction of West

When utilizing divination techniques in vibrational medicine, the West is used as a holistic holding point that gives you an insight into the psychology of your past actions and thoughts that negatively affect you in the present moment. It represents the culmination of all of your experiences that brought you to where you are today.

It is the perfect time to extract all the great lessons and memories that serve you on your evolutionary path, and to release the things that don't serve you any longer. It is a great Cardinal Direction if you have to overcome trauma, or want to practice and experience stress reduction, or…start a distinctly new segment in your life. The west helps you focus on a practice of meditation to help reset your inner self.  

How to Connect to Each Cardinal Direction


Meditation brings you in tune with your spiritual path. As you connect with source energy, the divine, the higher power, you'll intuitively know which direction to call forth and how to use it to transform your life at any given time.

You know exactly where you're headed and how to arrive at the best version of you while practicing a sustained way of healthy living. The Cardinal Directions provide an additional tool to help you unravel the direction of your life and the creative forces that influence it.

In the end it is all about nature and our connection to it and paying attention to the principles in biocentrism. Focusing on the elements that represent each Cardinal Direction will provide an additional clue to the direction you're heading. By using the soothing tunes of the ancient art of sound healing, the use of music or sound of singing bowls, tuning forks or gongs in the form that pleases you most, will help you tune into the silence and consistency your inner being calls you toward.

The most essential key is for you to know that your inner being is always guiding you, it is full of answers, and always holds your best interests. It is the keeper of ancient wisdom and provides you with holistic consciousness and health. Tap into it.

Practicing awareness and mindfulness by finding a quiet time to connect to your inner power, to practice meditation, will be a guiding force you will use to connect to each Cardinal Direction at the perfect time. You have innate wisdom inside of you and are a creation from nature. The Cardinal Directions and all the other elements of the universe are always working in your favor to take you to a higher frequency and level in your personal evolution.

Remember, be easy about it, enjoy, experiment and play with the laws of the universe. It is all about having fun and knowing that you are forever surrounded by unconditional love.


Scientific research on why to consider sound for healing


The Eleven Enlightening Principles of Biocentrism